Gaines and Company Receives NUCA Recognition for Trench Safety

Gaines and Company, an underground utility contractor, is being recognized by NUCA and other sponsors of the Trench Safety Stand Down Week (TSSD) in a personalized letter of appreciation for participation.

“I have little doubt that this year’s strong participation will save lives,” David E. Stavens, NUCA Safety Committee Chairman states in his July 25th letter.

Gaines and Company’s Safety Director, Dominic Pope, kicked off the annual event with a company-wide site meeting emphasizing OSHA’s ‘SLOPE IT. SHORE IT. SHIELD IT.’ national message. “Trench excavation safety is our focus on every project, every day,” says Pope. “Stand down week is an ideal opportunity for all employees to discuss trench protective systems and the importance of working together as a team to make sure everybody gets home safe.”

This year’s June 17-21, 2019, stand down was the first of its’ kind through OSHA’s national emphasis program. Gaines and Company’s Maryland and North Carolina divisions were one of 86 nationwide utility construction companies holding trench safety stand downs with strong support from OSHA and MOSH. Events organized by Pope included toolbox talks, quizzes and handouts.

According to the NUCA letter statistics, 45,000 individuals were trained this year almost doubling last year’s total of 28,000. All TSSD participants will be included in Utility Contractor magazine’s Sept/Oct issue and also in press releases sent to OSHA, its’ regional offices and industry publications.

Maryland and North Carolina were each awarded a certificate of completion and hardhat stickers for all Gaines and Company employees and managers.

September/October issue will list all TSSD Underground Utility participants!

Click to read letter

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