North Carolina Site Development Contractor Invests in Equipment to Meet Expanding Raleigh Beltway
The Power of Progress in the Landscape of the Future

North Carolina site developer Gaines and Company expanded their grading and excavation capabilities by purchasing additional heavy earth moving trucks and excavators.
Driving continual growth in business is not an easy task. The people, the skill-set, the delivery, the time elements, and the finished product all have to intersect perfectly in order to build a solid reputation and launching pad for the next client, or the next project. Yet, in the case of Gaines and Company in their Raleigh, North Carolina location, they can’t build fast enough for a landscape that is exploding in growth before their eyes.
Several major factors in the area compel them forward as they lean headlong into the winds of change. To meet the demand, the company is making huge internal investments in grading equipment—massive earth-movers and the latest technology in GPS-driven software. And, not a moment too soon, according to George Grammer, the Vice President there, who states, “There’s huge potential here for expansion in the Raleigh location right now…”

What does the GPS guidance system look like inside the earth mover?
First, there is on-going construction of a vast state beltway complex surrounding the city of Raleigh, North Carolina, now drawing nearer to a close. Like Rt. 695 in Maryland, which links together a dense area of development, I-540 will open up new possibilities for business complexes, major land improvement and upgrading, inside and outside the loop.
Yet, Mr. Grammer says, “we still prefer quality over quantity.” But, the market is demanding, calling for housing and residential building—particularly apartment complexes—at a staggering rate! Why? Because an average of 40 people move into Raleigh every day, translating into a growth rate of about 3.4% per year. The average age of Raleigh residents is 32.5 and, according to a Forbes study, the Raleigh-Durham-Cary metropolitan area is the fastest growing in the United States, increasing 47% from 2000 to 2012, with no end in sight through 2025.
George says, “… at Gaines and Company, I’ve built more apartment complexes in the last three years than the previous twenty-five years combined!” For this North Carolina site development construction company, it means partnering with large regional residential builders to prepare the land for development, grading, excavating and installing underground utilities for hundreds of homes. And for commercial builders to establish shopping areas, government facilities and infrastructure.
If that isn’t enough, Gaines and Company has also contributed to the infrastructure at Fort Bragg, the largest military installation in the world with more than 50,000 United States Army active duty personnel. Within that 19-square-mile garrison, Gaines and Company has installed miles and miles of new underground waterlines in the effort to rebuild and make improvements.
“We have 52 weeks a year! That’s 52 weeks of opportunity!” states Mr. Grammer. The team at Gaines and Company plan to meet these challenges with their core philosophy and ‘edge’—customer service that exceeds expectations in schedule, value-based engineering and teamwork to save money and man-hours as they help create the new landscape of the future Raleigh region.