Shipley Homestead
Turnkey Site Development – Jessup, MD
This “mega” site project is in a prime location nestled between the Ft. Meade and Arundel Mills economic hubs incorporating both offsite and residential portions. Developed through a partnership with Koch Homes, lots in this community were sold to several National Builders including Ryan Homes, Pulte Homes and Stanley Martin.

Offsite work on the project involved a large storm water management embankment. First, crews drained the facility then pipe bored and jockeyed under Route 175 adding three custom manholes and two sewer outfalls, one a challenging, deep sewer across Ridge Road.
This 500 foot long line required major traffic control and sewer lines 20 feet deep in unstable sand. A 16” water line and associated storm drains were then extended along Ridge Road to the Pulte site. Ridge Road required widening starting with road and curb removal, excavation then regrading and sidewalk installation on both sides.

The residential portion began with site clearing, building demolition and sediment controls with silt and tree protection fencing. Trap excavation, CMP riser and CMP were installed then grading was completed with site fill. The public sewer system consists of single and twin water house connections requiring installation of 37 manholes, numerous cleanouts, water mains, fire hydrants, storm drain, curb and gutter and pathways throughout the entire site. Storm water management, a Gaines and Company specialty, includes micro-bio retention areas, submerged gravel wetlands, surface sand filters and 2’ to 8’ bioswales.

A specialized underground retention system is installed at Shipley Homestead. Gaines and Company adheres to Anne Arundel County rules and specifications for the Chesapeake Bay storm water management plan.
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